Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homemade Grout Cleaner

Grout Cleaner

If you've been scouring (no pun intended) Pinterest as of late, you've seen this picture of a way to clean your tile floor, well, really, the grout between the tiles on your floor.

My bathroom floor is Horrible (yes, with a capital H)  Since we purchased our home, I've wanted to replace it, but it has never really been in the budget and I'm really only replacing it because I think the grout is disgusting.  Me and only me seems to think it's terrible.  Not one person in my life has ever said anything, not even my Mother, but I think it's awful!

Anyway, I decided to try the grout cleaning solution found on Unique. Just Like Everyone Else's blog.  Formula posted here.  I gave it a good try.

Took my before pictures:
Grossest floor!!!  Eww!!!!
Sprayed the solution, rubbed it into the grout and waited about 30 minutes...I said the grout was disgusting.  I got to scrubbing.  A grout brush is definitely a key tool to do this job well.  Toothbrushes and scrub brushes just don't have the stability that a grout brush does.  The solution definitely improved my grout, but get it clean like the picture on Pinterest, it did not.

After I used the grout recipe.  Improved, but not what I wanted or expected.
I went to my tried and true cleaner.  So many people are going to give me flack about this....I poured liquid bleach along the grout lines and let it sit for another 30 minutes.  Then I scrubbed.  Good thing my bathroom is tiny, only 40 linear feet...whew!  I really believed that between the Ammonia, baking soda, vinegar and bleach that I would have stain free grout...WRONG!  I have cleaner grout, but like new it is not.  Check it out yourself:

After serious chemicals were applied.  I'm satisfied, but I still want a new floor :-)

Yup, that's Pinteresting!

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