Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rotten Strawberries? No More!

Ever hear of Tupperware?  You’d have to be living in another universe not to have.  How many of your friends have had a Tupperware Party?  Too many to count, right?  I attended a friend’s party and the lady really sold me on these items called Fridge Smart Containers.  She said they kept your veggies and fruits longer and helped to save you money.  I mean let’s face it, doesn’t it just irritate the heck out of ya when you throw food away, especially fresh produce!!  Besides “supposedly” being able to keep my fresh fruits and veggies longer, I was already looking for new containers to complete this task, so I bought them to help my friend out with her party.  Kinda of pricey if you ask me, but I  got “better” containers than I was currently using.  I liked the warranty and I added up what I had spent on the throw aways and the purchase seemed sound enough.  Don’t get me wrong, I reuse the throw away containers, but after a few visits through the dishwasher, they get kinda yucky.  Let me be VERY clear.  I am not a Tupperware consultant, I’m not trying to sell their product for them, I am just sharing my experience. 

Strawberries were on sale last week for $1.88.  That’s a good sale and we eat lots of strawberries (did you know they help brighten your teeth?)  Strawberries NEVER store long, but I bought three containers knowing we would eat them all.  I only had one Tupperware Fridge Smart not in use, so I put as many strawberries in there that I could and kept the rest in their original packaging. 

I bought the strawberries a week ago today.  Look at the difference between original packed and Tupperware packed.  Needless to say, it’s been a week and we have not finished the strawberries yet.  Thankfully, I only had to throw away a few berries from the original container.  The others are still great and will be eaten with lunch this week.

Side by side....original packaging and fridge smart container...wow!  what a difference!

I really couldn’t believe my eyes.  These containers really DO work!!!  Next time, note to self.  Buy more strawberries and use very large Fridge Smart container to store them.

~Yup, that’s Pinteresting

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